ZAMBIA: Remain Focused on Poverty Alleviation, Church urges President

KITWE, DECEMBER, 19, 2014, (CISA) – The Catholic Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR), Zambia, Copperbelt branch, has urged the country’s acting President Dr. Guy Scott to remain focused on poverty alleviation in the country. JCTR provincial media and information officer, Tendai Posiana, expressed fear that programmes aimed at poverty reduction could be distracted by political […]

CAR: Catholics reach out to Muslim Ex-rebels

BANGUI, DECEMBER 19, 2014(CISA) – Archbishop Dieudonné Nzapalainga, of the Catholic Archdiocese of Bangui, recently visited a camp where former members of the Seleka rebel militia, who are predominately Muslim, are housed. “Here in this camp there are men, women and children living. For me, as a man of God, they are children of God […]

S SUDAN: Church holds Prayers for War Victims

JUBA DECEMBER 16, 2014(CISA) –  On December 15, the Catholic Church in South Sudan held prayers for the victims of the civil war at the Cathedral in Juba, one year after the outbreak of the civil war in the country. While presiding over the event, Archbishop Paolina Lukudu Loro of the Archdiocese of Juba called for peace […]

KENYA: Government De-registers over 500 NGO’s

NAIROBI DECEMBER 16, 2014(CISA)The Kenyan government has de-registered over 500 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) for failing to file their audited reports as required by law. 15 NGOs have been accused of funding terrorism activities in the country and the region with possible prosecution of their officials. NGOs Co-ordination Board executive director Fazul Mohamed said the accounts […]