DRC: Church Faults Local Authorities for Attack on Parish

KINSHASA, MARCH 3, 2015(CISA) – Director of the Diocesan Commission for Justice and Peace , Father Justin Nkunzi  has condemned the local authorities for failing to conduct a thorough investigation on criminal gangs. “It is a great pity that the local authorities are failing to investigate thoroughly the clearly organised criminal gangs marauding in the area and […]

BURKINA FASO: Cardinal urges Film makers to Practice Media with true Ethical Values

OUAGADOUGOU, MARCH 3, 2015 (CISA) – Cardinal Philippe Ouédraogo has challenged African film makers to rise to penetrate the world of media with true ethical values ​​of the Gospel of Salvation brought by Jesus Christ. The Cardinal welcomed filmmakers, movie enthusiasts, producers, directors, technicians and actors to Ouagadougou and to the Eucharistic celebration after the Mass, […]

RWANDA: Church Deliberates on how to Feed the Hungry

KIGALI MARCH 3, 2015(CISA) – Fr Celestino Bundi, Kenya National Director of the Pontifical Missions Societies (PMS) has said that the Catholic Church will use the idle land in the Archdioceses, congregations and major seminaries for food production. Speaking during the African National Directors of Pontifical Mission Societies meeting at St Vincent Pallotti Pastoral Centre […]

VATICAN: North African Bishops Meet Pope Francis

VATICAN CITY, MARCH 3, 2015(CISA) – Members of the Episcopal Conference of North African Bishops, CERNA on March 2 met with Pope Francis during their Ad Limina visit. CERNA brings together prelates from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. During the audience the bishops presented the Pope with a pastoral letter entitled “Servants of Hope” that […]