S AFRICA: Bishops Propose increased Taxation on the Wealthy

JOHANNESBURG OCTOBER 23 2015(CISA) –Southern Africa Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) – Justice and Peace Commission has called on the government to review revenue collection through tax increase on the wealthy, instead of VAT increase. “We propose that additional income tax brackets be introduced to increase revenue for the government, rather than the introduction of a […]

KENYA: Examination Leakages Putting Credibility of Education System at Stake, Catholic Bishops Say

NAIROBI OCTOBER 23, 2015 (CISA) – The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops has expressed concern over reports of leakage of the 2015 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (KCSE). “It is our considerate view that exam leakage in this country has reached alarming levels, putting the credibility of our education system at stake,” said Bishop Maurice […]