DAKAR, SEPTEMBER 30, 2016(CISA): A regional meeting on intra and inter-regional migration in Africa is set to be held in Dakar on October 3 and 4.
According to Fides, the main point of discussion will be; the role of civil society in the protection of migrants’ rights. The Migration et Développement de la Société Civile en Afrique Network (MADE Afrique) run by Caritas Senegal -part of the Migration and Development of Civil Society Network, created by the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) are the promoters of the event.
The issues to be discussed include procedures that ensure mobility in different regions of Africa; recognition of the role of civil society in the implementation and monitoring of free movement agreements; developments of the action plan of La Vallette (adopted by the European Union in November 2015 to tackle immigration) and the role of the civil society.
Participants are expected from West and Central Africa, Maghreb and Europe, representing organizations for human rights, for development, for work and different migrant organizations and of the diaspora, public authorities and many international organizations.