KENYA: Meru Political Leaders Call for Unity, Blessed Maria Carola hailed Model of Missionary Life

By Paschal Norbert

MERU, NOVEMBER 8, 2022 (CISA) Meru Deputy Governor, Honorable Isaac Mutuma has appealed for unity in the county in his address at the beatification ceremony of Blessed Sr Maria Carola Cecchin held at Kinoru Stadium on November 5.

“As we celebrate this beatification event, let us celebrate our unity as the people of the same father. Let us not allow divisions instead let’s be united and triumph through the faith, love and hope in the life of Sister Maria Carola,” said Hon Mutuma.

The deputy governor who was representing under fire first-time governor, Kawira Mwangaza, appealed to the warring parties to draw from “the extraordinary grace in the Christian world,” brought to Meru County by the beatification ceremony as a power of togetherness.

“Blessed Carola shines her light to the world; Meru County is rising and Christian life is made strong. The divine providence has granted the Cottolengo family, Meru and Africa a present that invites us all to the path of holiness,” said the deputy governor, adding “She remains a model of missionary life; life of holiness and heroic dedication to Christ and the work of saving souls.”

Leaders present at the function included immediate former Meru Governor, Kiraitu Murungi, Meru Senator and Senate Deputy Speaker Murungi Kathuri, Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki, Meru Woman Representative Elizabeth Karamu, Meru County Assembly Speaker and all the 48 elected members of Meru County Assembly.

“We have learnt a lot from this beatification; it is not the length of life that you lived, but the quality of life that you lived and the quality of life you lived is depicted by the number of souls you have touched. It is our hope that as we leave here today our lives will be different in terms of how we relate to others and how we use our positions of privilege to serve those who are less privileged,” said Tharaka Nithi governor, Muthomi Njuki.

Also speaking at the event, Roberto Natali, the Italian Ambassador to Kenya said that Sr Carola, an Italian-born Catholic nun, was pushed by love and moved by her feeling of attention and devotion to others, which made her abandon her life in Italy for her missionary work in Kenya.

“This is something really special and I think with her life she did more than many ambassadors can do. With her life she really observed one of the main messages of Christianity, which is love to the other as we have to help one another and live in peace and unity,” said Ambassador Natali.

Blessed Sr Maria Carola Cecchin of the Cottolengo Sisters is the second religious sister to be beatified in Kenya after Blessed Sr Irene Stefani Nyaatha in 2015.