KENYA: Archbishop Bert van Megen Warns against Inflexible Ideologies, says ‘The Church in Europe is weakened, the Church in Africa ever Stronger’

By Paschal Norbert

ELDORET, MAY 31, 2024 (CISA)- The Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan, Most Rev Hubertus Maria van Megen, has cautioned against the dangers of rigid ideologies in both the Church and broader world. He highlighted how such rigidity and secularism have resulted in the dismissal of the profound teachings of the faith and hindered the Church’s ability to navigate the complexities of modern society while staying true to its foundational beliefs.

Most Rev Hubertus Maria van Megen, the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan.

In his homily during the episcopal ordination of Bishop John Kiplimo Lelei on May 25 in Eldoret, the papal diplomat elucidated that the society today finds it hard to accept the teachings of the Church –of Christ because the teachings of the Church go against their wants and needs.

“Our society feels that the ideal that Christ teaches and lives is unattainable for normal human beings and should therefore be rejected, for it limits people in their freedom and keeps them chained to expectations they will never be able to achieve,” he explained, adding “The teachings of the Church, the thinking goes, limit the freedom of the human person and it should therefore be refused, or even prohibited.”

The nuncio who is a native of the Netherlands, urged the faithful to learn from the mistakes of the Western society, whom he said are a stark example of what deviating from the teachings of Christ does to a society and the Church.

He said the Western society’s ‘kind of thinking’ has led to social fragmentation, a culture of materialism and consumerism and spiritual blindness, where people have become disconnected from their innate sense of morality and conscience.

“In the Western Society, we clearly see to what aberration this kind of thinking leads. If we try to adapt the teachings of Christ to the weakness of the human being, we inevitably slide ever deeper into the abyss. The teachings of Western Society, on abortion, euthanasia, of gender theory, are clear symptoms of a society that has lost its inner compass and is helplessly floating on the tempestuous sea of human desires, shaken and weakened in every respect,” he stated.

He explained, “It is evident for everybody to see how the West, a secular society, has lost its vigour and is evermore self-absorbed. From being a light for the nations, it has now put its lamp under the bushel. Its light ever dimmer. As the Archbishop of Kinshasa, Cardinal Ambongo said some months ago: “The Church in Africa has always been considered a daughter of the Church in Europe. However now, with good reason, one can call them sisterly Churches.” The Church in Europe is weakened, the Church in Africa ever stronger.”

Archbishop van Megen emphasized the teachings of Christ are indispensable and that they are the only acceptable measure for all human beings, “like the compass is the only reliable and indispensable instrument for a captain, finding his way through the dark and tumultuous seas (Leo Tolstoj).”