KENYA: Waumini Sacco Expands Horizons: Unveiling 5th Branch in Kisumu to Empower Catholic Grassroots Communities

By Wesley Omondi

KISUMU, SEPTEMBER 20, 2024 (CISA) – Members of Waumini Sacco Society- a savings and credit co-operative society offering inclusive service to individuals, corporate and organized Catholic institutions- and the Catholic faithful in the Catholic Archdiocese of Kisumu gathered on September 17, 2024,  at St. Theresa’s Cathedral, Kibuye, to launch of the Sacco’s new branch in Kisumu located at Sifa House, Ground Floor, Kibuye.

The opening of the 5th branch of the Sacco with over  60,000 members from Catholic institutions across the 27 Catholic Dioceses in Kenya began with the celebration of the Holy Mass at the cathedral led by Most Rev Maurice Muhatia Makumba, the archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Kisumu, highlighted the role of the Sacco in supporting the Church’s broader mission of evangelization.

“Waumini Sacco is part of the mission of the Church to continue the work of Jesus Christ,” said Archbishop Muhatia during his homily.

Archbishop Muhatia, the distinguished chief guest, graced the ceremony alongside Dr. Headmound Okari, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors. The atmosphere buzzed with energy as board members, the secretariat led by CEO Peter Obuyyi, and an enthusiastic group of delegates came together to celebrate this significant milestone. Representatives from the Ministry of Co-operatives and MSMEs, KUSCO, and CIC Insurance also joined the jubilant gathering.

United in purpose, they celebrated the launch as a transformative leap forward, bringing Waumini Sacco closer to the heart of the community and paving the way for stronger connections and exciting new opportunities for everyone involved.

Waumini Sacco is a financial cooperative institution established by the Catholic Church to serve its members, including clergy, religious institutions, and the laity. Its primary objective is to provide savings and credit facilities that help members improve their livelihoods. Over the years, Waumini Sacco has grown into a key player in Kenya’s financial landscape, committed to empowering its members by offering financial solutions that align with Christian values and with competitive returns.

The Sacco, headquartered at Applewood Adams Building, along Ngong road in Nairobi, has branches in Westlands, Kisii, and Nakuru with liaison offices in Mombasa and Meru.

The launch of the Sacco in Kisumu is a significant milestone aimed at deepening the institution’s reach and supporting its faithful through economic growth.

Archbishop Muhatia emphasized the Sacco’s presence in Kisumu is a testament to the Church’s commitment to fostering holistic development among its members.

“Waumini Sacco is here to support you as you move on to the next level of evangelization, from the direction of death to the direction of life,” he added, drawing parallels between the Sacco’s mission and the Church’s call to bring life and hope to the people.

The chairperson of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB)  invited the faithful in the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kisumu to actively engage with Waumini Sacco, not only for its financial services but also for the guidance and advice the institution offers to its members.

“Even if it’s just for advice, visit the office of Waumini Sacco. They are here to help improve the living standards of the people,” he said, encouraging the faithful to view the Sacco as a valuable resource in their personal and communal development.

Founded in 1980, the Sacco primarily mobilizes savings and deposits and extends credit to its members thereby empowering them economically and socially. It offers a wide range of products to its members ranging from development loans to emergency loans. It also has front office services that assist you in accumulating savings, accessing loans and transacting any other banking services.

Waumini Sacco draws its membership from employees of Catholic-based organizations and Catholic faithfuls in Kenya, their spouses and children, Corporate Institutions, and Groups or Chamas.

In his homily, Archbishop Muhatia pointed out that the Sacco plays a vital role in helping the Church achieve its broader goals by addressing the economic challenges that often hinder effective evangelization.

He prayed for the success of the Sacco’s mission in Kisumu, asking for divine guidance to steer its operations.

“We call on the Holy Spirit and the wisdom of God to help guide the mission that Waumini Sacco is beginning here in Kisumu,” prayed Muhatia.