NIGERIA: Bishop Kundi Tightens Guidelines on Liturgical Practices and Formation of Private Ministries in New Directive

By Wesley Omondi

KAFANCHAN, SEPTEMBER 10, 2024 (CISA) – In a new directive issued on September 4, 2024, Rt Rev Julius Yakubu Kundi, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kafanchan, has reinforced regulations governing liturgical practices and the establishment of private ministries within the diocese.

This follows concerns raised about deviations from standard liturgical norms and the unauthorized creation of private ministries without episcopal oversight. The bishop’s latest directive aims to address these issues while safeguarding the integrity of the sacred liturgy.

“You will recall that in my 2022 directive to all Priests working within our juridical circumscription, titled ‘Pastoral Guidelines for Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Kafanchan, I have highlighted… that, ‘the liturgy belongs to Christ and the Church, not to the Priest,’” wrote Bishop Kundi.

The statement underscores the centrality of the sacred liturgy in the life of the Church, warning against liturgical innovations that deviate from established rubrics. Bishop Kundi lamented the rise of “auto-referential and reactionary spiritualities” which he warned could erode the order and harmony of Catholic liturgy. The emergence of these practices has caused concern within the diocese, prompting the bishop to issue strict guidelines on the proper conduct of liturgical celebrations.

“In spite of our efforts to create order in the way the sacred liturgy is being celebrated in our Diocese, we have noticed with dismay… unnecessary theatrics which may in the long run lead to self-destruction,” he added.

In addition to liturgical concerns, the directive also addressed the rise of private ministries that have sprung up without proper authorization. While the Church acknowledges and appreciates the unique charisms of the clergy and laity, Bishop Kundi stressed the need for these gifts to be exercised under appropriate guidance to prevent disunity within the Church.

“We recognize and appreciate the various charisms that are deposited in some of our Priests and Laity… but when such charisms are exercised without proper guidance [it] can only cause injury and disunity to the Body of Christ,” he noted.

The directive is also in response to recent discussions during the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), which took place in Edo State in August 2024. The conference addressed concerns regarding liturgical practices in local churches, providing the framework for Bishop Kundi’s renewed effort to ensure compliance with established norms within the Kafanchan Diocese.

Among the key directives issued, priests were reminded not to alter the words or elements of sacraments, refrain from excessive monetary collections during Mass, and maintain proper decorum in Eucharistic celebrations.

“No Priest is allowed to alter the words and elements of the Sacraments at will… There should be no excessive monetary collections during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist,” Bishop Kundi stated.

The bishop also warned against the misuse of the exposed Blessed Sacrament, cautioning against any theatrical displays or the use of the Eucharist as a magical instrument. Silence and decorum, he emphasized, must be observed during all liturgical celebrations to maintain the sanctity of the rite.

“No Priest should use the exposed Blessed Sacrament as if it were an instrument of magical and theatrical display,” the directive continued.

Bishop Kundi mandated that the Vicar Foranes and chaplains of pious associations maintain vigilance in ensuring adherence to these guidelines. He stressed that violations of the liturgical norms would attract necessary ecclesiastical sanctions.

“I have by this act mandated the Vicar Foranes and the Chaplains of pious associations and societies to keep vigilance and should report any violation to me,” the statement concluded.