HARARE, NOVEMBER 17, 2017(CISA) – Section of church leaders have called for the formation of an interim government to ensure smooth transition to a free and fair elections after the military coup. “We want to make it clear to the military that it is their responsibility to ensure that human dignity and rights are respected and […]
Author: CISA
KENYA: Elections should not Tear Our Country Apart, says Bishop Mugambi
MERU NOVEMBER 14, 2017(CISA) – Bishop Salesius Mugambi of the Catholic Diocese of Meru has called on Kenyans to remain united as the Supreme Court commences the hearing of the repeat presidential poll petitions. “The divisions in the country as a result of the just concluded repeat presidential Election should not be left to tear our […]
SOMALIA: Elections in Somali-land Prove Democracy is Possible in the Horn of Africa, says Bishop
DJIBOUTI NOVEMBER 14, 2017 (CISA) – Bishop Giorgio Bertin of Djibouti and the Apostolic Administrator of Mogadishu has said the recent elections in Somali-land gives hope and represents an encouraging form of democracy in the region.“ These elections are important because they can continue to demonstrate that some form of democracy is possible in Somali-land and, […]
SOMALIA: Pope Approves Cause of Saint of Consolata Sister Killed in Mogadishu
MOGADISHU NOVEMBER 10, 2017(CISA)-Pope Francis has authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate Decree of Sr Leonella Rosa Sgorbati of Consolata Missionaries who was assassinated on September 17, 2006 in Mogadishu. Pope Francis made the announcement on November 8 in audience with Cardinal Angelo Amato, S.D.B — Prefect of the Congregation for […]
KENYA: Constructive Dialogue only Way out of Political Crisis, Catholic Bishops Say
NAKURU NOVEMBER 10, 2017(CISA) – Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) have promised to spearhead peace building initiatives across the country in remembrance of the late Bishop Cornelius Korir of the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret. In a statement read at the Christ the King Cathedral in the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru after a Holy Mass in […]
ZAMBIA: We need to Stop Young People from Leaving the Church, Archbishop Mpundu Says
LUSAKA NOVEMBER 10, 2017 (CISA) –Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu, President Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) has said there is need to stop young people leaving the Church for the evangelicals. “As people who are on mission, we are not lone rangers. We move as a family. In the recent past we have head threats to the […]
Stop taking smartphone snapshots during Mass, pope says
VATICAN CITY, NOVMBER 9 2017- The Mass is not a show, but a beautiful, transformative encounter with the true loving presence of Christ, Pope Francis said. That is why people need to focus their hearts on God, not focus their smartphones for pictures during Mass, he said. When the priest celebrating Mass says, “Let us […]
DJIBOUTI: Do not Despair, be United, Bishop tells Somalis following Terror Attack
DJIBOUTI OCTOBER 17, 2017 (CISA) – Bishop Giorgio Bertin of Djibouti has called on the people of Somalia to have hope and unity after the country suffered a deadly terrorist attack on October 14. “I would say that even though what has happened is a catastrophe, we mustn’t despair. It would be a double attack […]
SOUTH AFRICA: Bishops Call for Improved Anti-Corruption System
CAPE TOWN, OCTOBER 17, 2017(CISA) – The Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) has called for the formation of an anti- corruption court to fast track hearing of corrupt cases in the country. This reaction came amid the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa ruling that upheld the High Court decision to reinstate 783 […]
UGANDA: End the Culture of Aggression, Archbishop Odama Tells Parliament
KAMPALA, OCTOBER 17, 2017(CISA) – Archbishop John Baptist Odama, Chairman of the Uganda Episcopal Conference, has asked members of Parliament to put an end to the culture of aggression and embrace new ethos of honesty, self-respect and respect for others. “I request our legislators to do their work with absolute honesty, in line with our […]