KENYA: Bishop Willybard Lagho Assumes Chairmanship of Inter-Religious Council of Kenya

By Wesley Omondi

NAIROBI, JUNE 15, 2024 (CISA)— Rt Rev Willybard Kitogho Lagho of the Catholic Diocese of Malindi is the new Chairman of the Inter-Religious Council of Kenya (IRCK).

Bishop Lagho, who is the chairperson of the Commission for Inter-religious Dialogue and Ecumenism (CIRDE) at the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB), is set to lead the council with a vision of fostering unity and understanding among Kenya’s diverse religious communities.

In his new role, Bishop Lagho is joined by Rt Rev Jeremiah Ngumo, Moderator of the African Christian Church and Schools from the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) as moderator, and Sujata Kotamraju of the Hindu Council of Kenya (HCK) as Treasurer. The council and its member organizations have expressed their optimism and support for the newly elected leaders, emphasizing the importance of their roles in promoting interfaith dialogue and cooperation.

The outgoing team, including Fr Joseph Mutie, Ag. Chairman FS Abdalla, Moderator Bishop David Oginde, and Treasurer Nitin Malde, received accolades for their outstanding contributions and leadership. Their efforts have significantly bolstered the foundation and impact of the IRCK, and their legacy is expected to inspire the new team.

Congratulatory messages have poured in from various religious and cultural leaders. The Evangelical Alliance of Kenya (EAK) extended its best wishes, stating, “We pray for inclusive and God-honoring leadership during your tenure. Karibu Baba Askofu.”

Similarly, the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr Ali Pourmarjan, lauded Bishop Lagho’s dedication to fostering interreligious dialogue and unity.

“Your election to this esteemed position is a testament to your dedication, leadership, and unwavering commitment to fostering interreligious dialogue and unity among the diverse faith communities in Kenya,” he said.

Dr Pourmarjan emphasized the importance of continued collaboration to promote peace, tolerance, and cultural exchange in Kenya.

The National Muslim Leaders Forum (NAMLEF), represented by Secretary General Salim Vayani, also conveyed their congratulations and commitment to supporting the new IRCK leadership. He highlighted the Quranic principle of understanding and respecting diverse peoples and tribes, underscoring the IRCK’s mission of unity and mutual respect.

“We are confident that under your leadership, IRCK will continue to flourish and achieve greater heights,” Vayani remarked.

Founded in 1983, IRCK is a coalition of all major faith communities in Kenya. It works to deepen interfaith dialogue and collaboration among the members for a common endeavour to mobilize the unique moral and social resources of religious people and address shared concerns.

IRCK is made up of the Supreme Council of Kenyan Muslims (SUPKEM), Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA), the National Muslim Leaders Forum (NAMLEF), the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB), the Hindu Council of Kenya (HCK), the Organization of African Instituted Churches (OAIC), the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya (EAK), the Shia Ithnasharia Muslim Association and the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK).