LIBERIA: Country Declared Ebola Free

MONROVIA, MAY 12, 2015(CISA)-The World Health Organisation and the Liberian government has declared the country free from Ebola.

The MSF’s Head of Mission in Liberia said that the Liberian government and people have worked hard to help them achieve 42 days of zero Ebola cases.

Close to 200 Liberians health workers died after contracting the virus and the epidemic worsened the already fragile health system.

MSF is helping the health needs of post Ebola in Liberia by running a paediatric in patient clinic in Monrovia as well as working with the Liberian Ministry of Health to carry out a measles vaccination campaign which is currently underway across three districts in the capital.

The cases registered in Liberia were 10,564 and 4,716 deaths, making it one of the countries that have been hit hardest by the epidemic. The peak of the outbreak was between August and October 2014 when MSF opened what became the world’s largest Ebola management centre. ELWA3 in Monrovia with a total capacity of 400 beds with NGOs treating 1,663 cases.

9,470 people were admitted to its Ebola management centres and treated 5,170 patients confirmed with Ebola as 2,553 survived. 14 MSF staff also lost their lives to Ebola.

Speaking to Agenza Fides, MSF however warned that with new cases of Ebola still being recorded in the neighbouring Guinea and Sierra Leone, the outbreak is not over yet.

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