KENYA: PMS Hold Vigil Ahead of World Mission Sunday

NAIROBI OCTOBER 16, 2015 (CISA) – The Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) organized a vigil on Saturday October 17 ahead of the World Mission Sunday 2015.

The vigil took place at the Consolata Shrine, Westlands from 9:00 am until 6:30 pm, according to a statement sent to CISA by Religious Superiors’ Conference of Kenya (RSCK).

A missionary tent was erected outside Waumini House where willing congregations  displayed their materials to create awareness on what they do.

This according to Fr Celestino Bundi, Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Kenya, “…follows the invitation of Pope Francis to go to the streets and witness.”

This was the day’s program

9:00 am We shall pray the Rosary under the theme One million kids praying the Rosary for peace and unity of the World. This will be done at parish level guided by the PMC Animators.

2:00 pm Christians, priests, brothers, and sisters start gathering at Consolata Shrine Hall. A video on Blessed Irene, a role model of our missionary life, will be watched.

3:00 pm Word of welcome and sharing of testimonies by missionaries recently returning home, a priest and a sister; a PMC Child; a brief sharing on Ad Gentes and Joy of the Gospel and presentation on a unique apostolate to street children by a brother.

4:45 pm Adoration, followed by sharing of the day’s experience and vote of thanks.

5:30 pm Holy Mass

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