KENYA: RSCK Calls for Synodal Church on Day for Consecrated Life


NAIROBI, FEBRUARY 1, 2022 (CISA) – The Religious Superiors’ Conference of Kenya (RSCK) has urged all consecrated persons to be active in the Synodal process as they commemorate the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life on February 2.

“This year, we celebrate at a time when the mother church has invited us to journey together for a Synodal church through communion, participation and mission. As consecrated persons we are invited to participate fully in this process where we are called to pray, listen, analyze, dialogue, discern and offer advice on making pastoral decisions which correspond as closely as possible to God’s will,” reads a statement sent to CISA,  by Rev Fr Robert Karanja Ireri, O.S.A, the chairperson of RSCK.

Fr Ireri, who is the first Regional Vicar of the Augustinians in Kenya, implored the religious to continue the evangelization mission that was started by the first missionaries in the country.

“In our celebrations, let us pray for the consecrated persons who were the first to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Kenya as missionaries. Many of them went through different forms of suffering and tribulations in order to bring the good news to us. Now it is our time to continue the good work they began and even become missionaries to evangelize and re-evangelize in different parts of the world,” he said.

“I wish you all a happy feast day of consecrated life. Let us do the best in the vineyard of the lord as per the ability God has granted us and whatever is beyond us, we lift it to God through prayer,” appealed Rev Fr Ireri in his message to the religious.

The world day of prayer for consecrated life was instituted by Pope St John Paul II in 1997, for men and women who lead a religious life and is attached to the Feast of the presentation of the Lord on February 2. Candles are blessed during the celebration to symbolize Christ as the light of the world. The consecrated are reminded on this day to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all people.

This year’s celebrations will be marked in various dioceses and communities in the country, while the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi will commemorate the day on February 5 at the Holy Family Minor Basilica.