MALAWI: Church Schedules Activities for October Mission Month

By Odiwuor Opiyo

LILONGWE, OCTOBER 4, 2022 (CISA) – The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) has in a reminder released on October 3, proposed a schedule to be followed during October Mission Month Celebrations.

“We are all reminded that there are a number of activities in the month of October that should take place daily in the small Christian communities. The proposed activities have already been sent to the Dioceses through the PMS Directors,” it reads.

According to the reminder, some of the activities include, “praying the rosary daily, seeing the intercession of our Mother Mary, Queen of Evangelization, for the universal missionary work of the church and Praying the Novena through the intercession of Blessed Pauline Jaricot in preparation for 23 October, the celebration of World Mission Sunday and the four missionary anniversaries and preparation for the closing of October Mission Month on October 31.”

Additionally, ECM propose; reading and reflecting on the message of the world mission Sunday given by Pope Francis, reading and teaching each other about the four missionary anniversaries and their significance, reading and teaching each other about the significance of world mission Sunday and why each baptized person and communities have to be involved on this day and lastly, contributing money for the Universal Missionary works of the church.

“As has been stressed in the past, this collection is recommended to start well in advance and not just wait for the collection on the actual mission Sunday,” read the reminder in part.

The reminder, moreover, requested priests, preferably through small Christian communities, to ensure a good preparation and organisation of the opening of October Mission month on 1st October, the world Mission Sunday plus the celebration of the four missionary Jubilees on 23rd October and closing of the Mission Month on October 31st.

In a separate reminder released on the same day, EMC proposed a schedule for elections of PMS leaders at Small Christian Communities level in some Dioceses.

“We ask Pastoral Coordinators and PMS Directors, to guide fellow priests in ensuring that the concerned dioceses should facilitate the elections of PMS Animator at Small Christian Communities,” divulged the reminder signed by ECM Secretary General, Very Rev Alfred Chaima on behalf of the National Pastoral Coordinator.