By Arnold Neliba
VATICAN CITY, OCTOBER 13, 2023 (CISA)-Archbishop Anthony Muheria, a Synod delegate has urged the faithful not to be worried about the silence from the proceedings of the ongoing Synod on Synodality in Rome due to the nature of the meeting, which calls for listening to one another as wells as deeply listening to the Holy Spirit.
Describing the ongoing assembly as “very good moments” the Catholic Archbishop of Nyeri is hoping for more crystalized resolutions and directions from the Synod on Synodality to be presented to the pope and incorporation of the synod experience to the wider Church.
“The good thing is the diversity that we have seen of bishops and people from all over, we have good moments of sharing, understanding different contexts, hearing the challenges of various places as well as the gifts that we have mutually. So it is a very rich experience,” said the Chairman of the Social Communications Commission of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB).

Echoing the words of Pope Francis when he stressed that the Synod “is a moment of reflection, of silence, of listening to the Holy Spirit” the archbishop said the meeting is “a good opportunity to listen to one another, as we listen to the Holy Spirit to see how we can bring this even in our homes.”
“Having opportunities to discuss, to speak not so much looking at people outside, not so much looking at what people are speaking what we are discussing but rather thinking and valuing one another; listening to the heart, listening to the heart of the father, listening to the heart of the child, the child listening to the heart of the father, the husband to the heart of the wife, the wife to the heart of the husband, an experience of expanding our hearts in listening. And is not just talking but listening to what is deeply in our hearts,” he said in a video message shared on October 11.
Archbishop Muheria also appealed to Catholics in the AMECEA region to continue praying for the Synod on Synodality and Pope Francis so that the Holy Spirit may inspire the delegates gathered in Rome for the month-long assembly ending on October 29.