ACCRA OCTOBER 21 2015(CISA) – Sir Knight Edward Aloysius Prah, has been elected President of the International Council of Catholic Men (Unum Omnes), an umbrella body of national organisation of Catholic men Associations.
The elections were conducted during the just-ended general assembly of the organisation in Vienna, Austria on September 26 to October 2.
The election of Sir Kt Prah made him the first African to head the 67-year-old organisation, which fosters lay apostolate and dissemination of the Church’s teachings.
Ghana is represented on the International Council of Catholic Men (Unum Omnes) by the Noble Order of the Knights of Marshall, a Catholic friendly society.
Sharing his vision with the Daily Graphic, Sir Kt Prah pledged to position the organisation in a better state than he inherited it.
“Having been a member of the last bureau for two terms, my vision is to build on the achievements of my predecessor in all the areas of challenge and leave Unum Omnes better than I inherited it,” Ghana Web quoted Sir Prah as saying.
He said he intended to provide leadership to the Bureau of Unum Omnes to address challenges such as finance, dwindling membership and lack of active participation by member organisations in the affairs of Unum Omnes outside the general assembly meetings.