KENYA: Consolata Feast Day, A Celebration of Identity, Mission and Collaboration

By Wesley Omondi

 NAIROBI, JUNE 25, 2024 (CISA)— On June 20, 2024, the Consolata Family, consisting of Consolata Missionary priests, brothers, sisters, and lay collaborators, gathered at the Consolata Shrine-Westlands to celebrate the Consolata Feast Day.

The Holy Mass was led by Msgr Peter Makau, the Coadjutor Bishop-elect of the Catholic Diocese of Isiolo, and concelebrated by council members of the Consolata Missionary Fathers Kenya/Uganda region and other priests. During the Mass, vows were renewed by both the Consolata Fathers and Sisters.

The atmosphere was vibrant with anticipation for the announcement of the date of the Canonization of Blessed Joseph Allamano, the founder of Consolata Missionaries (Fathers, Brothers, and Sisters), as the congregation joyously embraced their Consolata identity.

The feast day also honoured the elderly, with gifts and offerings sent to St. Mary’s Village Home for Aged Women in Sagana, highlighting the community’s commitment to compassion and service.

Msgr Makau’s Homily struck a chord with many as he elaborated on the biblical account of the Wedding at Canaan. This example illustrated the importance of working in partnership with the divine, encouraging the faithful to recognize their role in God’s plan.

“Jesus could have just done a miracle and filled the jars with water and then turned them into wine, but no, he asked the servants to fill the jars with water and then turned them into wine. He invited them to collaborate,” he emphasized.

In a heartfelt moment, Msgr Makau took the opportunity to encourage the sisters and priests managing St. Mary’s Village. His words of support and recognition were a testament to the tireless efforts of those who care for the elderly, reaffirming the Church’s dedication to providing for the most vulnerable.

The immediate former Regional Superior of the Consolata Missionaries Kenya/Uganda Region paid tribute to Blessed Joseph Allamano, the founder of the Consolata Missionaries, and emphasized that the true foundress of the mission is Our Lady of Consolation. He reminded the congregation of the exciting news of Allamano’s canonization being approved by the Pope, marking it as a significant milestone for the Consolatas.

“We cannot wait to go to Italy for the celebrations and then back here in Kenya where the Consolata Missionaries first began their work. The celebration will be great!” he exclaimed, expressing the collective anticipation and joy for this upcoming historic event.

The ceremony was further enriched by the renewal of vows by some of the Consolata Missionaries. These missionaries, who have devoted their lives to Christ, were celebrated for their unwavering commitment. Various Jubilees of the missionaries were also marked, highlighting the enduring dedication and service of those who have spent decades in the mission field.

In the words of Fr Makau, “Let us continue to work together, to fill the jars of our lives with faith and service, so that God’s miracles may be manifest through us.” The Consolation Featst Day was not just a celebration, but a call to action for all present, urging them to collaborate with the divine in their everyday lives.