SOUTH AFRICA: Jesuit Institute Calls on State to Curb Xenophobia

SOWETO JANUARY 30, 2015(CISA) – The Jesuit Institute South Africa has strongly condemned the ongoing violence against foreign persons and their businesses. The violence which started in Soweto, “constitutes another episode in South Africa’s shameful history of xenophobia,” the institute said in a statement, reported Vatican Radio. “The savagery demonstrated and the failure to put a […]

DRC: Diocese of Lolo gets new Bishop

KINSHASHA JANUARY 30, 2015(CISA) – Pope Francis has appointed Fr Jean-Bertin Nadonye Ndongo, O.F.M. Cap. the new bishop of the diocese of Lolo. According to  Vatican Information Service(VIS), Pope Francis  also accepted the resignation Mgr Ferdinand Maemba Liwoke from the pastoral care of the same diocese , in accordance to canon 401 § 1 of the […]