DRC: Preserve National Unity, Archbishop Besungu Urges Politicians

KINSHASA, NOVEMBER 27, 2018 (CISA) – Archbishop Ambongo Besungu of the Archdiocese of Kinshasa has urged politicians of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to preserve national unity and practice servant leadership ahead of the country’s upcoming elections.

The archbishop made the comments November 26, 2018 during an open-air Mass on the feast of Christ the King where he addressed a crowd of thousands including two key rival presidential candidates Martin Fayulu and Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary.

“Christ the King delivers us a prophetic message, power is a service, humble services to others for their accomplishment,” he said as he denounced sectarianism and political violence.

The vote, scheduled for 23 December, would see the first new leadership in the Congo since President Joseph Kabila ascended to office in 2001.