VATICAN: Pope Paves Way for Canonization of Blessed Joseph Allamano, Founder of Consolata Missionaries

By Wesley Omondi

VATICAN CITY, MAY 24, 2024 (CISA) – Pope Francis has approved a miracle attributed to Blessed Joseph Allamano, the founder of Consolata Missionaries, paving the way for his canonization.

The decree was issued by the Holy Father on May 23, 2024, after a meeting with Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints and is a significant step in the canonization process of the revered Italian-born priest.

Blessed Joseph Allamano was born in 1851 and died in 1926. He dedicated his life to missionary work through the missionaries he sent all over the world to spread the gospel. Born in Castelnuovo d’Asti, Italy, Allamano founded the Consolata Missionaries in 1901 with the first missionaries arriving in Kenya in 1902.

The miracle attributed to Blessed Allamano involves the extraordinary healing of Sorino Yanomami, an indigenous man from the Yanomami tribe in northern Brazil. On February 7, 1996, Sorino was attacked by a jaguar in Catrimani,  in Brazilian Amazonia forest, suffering severe injuries, including partial exposure of his brain. Despite the life-threatening nature of his wounds, Sorino survived after undergoing surgery in Boa Vista, Brazil.

The turning point in Sorino’s recovery is credited to the fervent prayers of several members of the Consolata Missionaries, who prayed a novena seeking Blessed Allamano’s intercession.

Medical professionals involved in Sorino’s care have described his survival and subsequent recovery as a miracle. Dr Ana Maria Silva, one of the attending surgeons, remarked, “It is medically a miracle. The extent of his injuries was such that survival, let alone recovery, seemed impossible.”

The recognition of this miracle by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of Saints was a pivotal moment in Allamano’s path to canonization. The investigation into the miracle was thorough, involving medical experts and theologians who examined the details of Sorino’s case.

The Consolata Missionaries, founded by Allamano, have been instrumental in spreading the Catholic faith and evangelizing people on the margins of society. Their work spans education, healthcare, and social services, impacting countless lives, particularly in Africa and Latin America. The congregation’s charism of consolation and evangelization is deeply rooted in Allamano’s vision of compassionate service.

The canonization ceremony, the final step in officially recognizing Allamano as a saint, will be a historic event for the Catholic Church and the Consolata Missionaries. It will honour his legacy and celebrate the miraculous power of faith and prayer.