KENYA: Caritas Marsabit Launches Five-Year Strategic Plan

By Arnold Neliba

MARSABIT, AUGUST 3, 2021 (CISA)-Caritas Marsabit, the development arm of the Catholic Diocese of Marsabit, has launched a five-year strategic plan (2021-2025) to guide the diocese’s response to the humanitarian needs of the people living in the arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) region.

“…we are presenting for the future of our activities from this year to 2025 in an organized manner so as to respond to the needs of the people and as well help them through formation,” Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara IMC bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Marsabit said in his opening remarks during the virtual event held on July 30.

According to the bishop, the new plan takes into account the shortfalls and the achievements of the previous strategic plan.

“This plan is an opportunity to understand that we are the moving church.  We move with the community, with the needs that the people have. Many of them have been done others not yet because we have no lasting solutions and we want the people to participate by themselves in navigating the challenges they have,” he said underscoring that the region has for a long time suffered from lack of water and lack of access to healthcare.

Bishop Kihara while acknowledging representatives of local and international partners present at the event invited them to support Caritas Marsabit in its pursuit of improving the livelihood of the people.

The Caritas Marsabit Director, Isacko Jirma Molu noted that the goal of the 2021-2025 strategic plan is to reduce human suffering by transforming the situation of the communities in a sustainable way as captured in the theme, “Transformative Sustainable Development for Communities in Marsabit County.”

“This new strategic plan is well aligned with the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) as well as various departmental sector plans. This sets a good ground for meaningful cooperation and collaboration in pushing the County’s development agenda. I commit to support your vision,” Marsabit County Governor Mohamud Ali said during the meeting.

Partners represented at the event included CAFOD, Catholic Relief Services, Caritas Italiana, Christian Aid, Misereor Germany, Caritas Germany, Saints of Hope, Sightsavers, Caritas Kenya, FAO, Caritas Spain, Caritas Austria, Caritas Europe, Nawiri, and Concern worldwide.