ZAMBIA: Catholic Students Launch Gender Policy Campaign

LUSAKA, MAY 8, 2018 (CISA) – The Pan Africa Coordinator of the International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS) Mr Patrick Ochida has applauded Catholic students from southern Africa Sub-region for launching IMCS Africa Gender Policy. “The IMCS Gender Policy is intended to promote equality in leadership and also promote human dignity in the world we […]

BURUNDI: Bishops Term Proposed Referendum Vote Untimely

BUJUMBURA, MAY 8, 2018 (CISA)-The Conference of Catholic Bishops of Burundi has expressed its dissatisfaction with the timing of the constitutional referendum vote scheduled for May 17 2018. “In our opinion, the time is not right to amend the constitution in a profound way,” Bishop Joachim Ntahondereye, president of the Bishops’ Conference, said Thursday May […]

KENYA: Bishops Elect new Office Bearers

NAIROBI APRIL 20, 2018 (CISA) – The Kenya Conference of the Catholic Bishops (KCCB) have elected new office bearers for various Commissions and National offices. The new officials elected during the bishops April Ordinary Plenary Assembly in Nairobi have a three years mandate to co-ordinate and implement all the activities which express the mission of the Catholic Church […]

UGANDA: Archbishop Lwanga Meets President Museveni to End Tensions

KAMPALA APRIL 10, 2018(CISA)-Archbishop Dr Cyprian Kizito Lwanga of the Catholic Archdiocese of Kampala has held private talks with President Yoweri Museveni  in an attempt to ease tensions between Church and State. The most recent flareup began on Good Friday, when Archbishop Lwanga publicly accused the government of recruiting Church personnel to spy on him. “A […]

DRC: Bishop Decries Murder of Catholic Priest

KINSHASA APRIL 10, 2018 (CISA) – Bishop Théophile Kaboy Ruboneka, of the Catholic Diocese of Goma has condemned the recent murder of Fr Étienne Sengiyumva, parish priest of Kitchanga. “Fr Étienne is the third priest killed in the area. Investigations on the perpetrators of these deaths never lead to anything. We are abandoned by all,” said […]